Programmers are usually like water : they always use the path of least resistance.

Let's see how to use this fact to predict the usage of an API when you design it.

Initial API

Consider the very simple DB API that consumes a connected ResultSet and presents a disconnected version of it.

class DisconnectedResultSet{
        public DisconnectedResultSet (ResultSet rs);
        public boolean next();
        public Object getObject(int col_idx);

It's usage is quite easy :

while ( {
        int col_idx = 1;
        drs.getObject(col_idx++); // Do something w/ 1st col
        drs.getObject(col_idx++); // Do something w/ 2st col

Just a little evolution...

Since the DisconnectedResultSet is disconnected, we can imagine that it should implement a rewind() method in order to use it several times without running the initial query again. We now have an updated class :

class DisconnectedResultSet{
        public DisconnectedResultSet (ResultSet rs);
        public boolean next();
        public Object getObject(int col_idx);
        public void rewind(); // Be able to rewind it

And its classical usage :

while ( {
        // do stuff...
// ...
while ( {
        // do something else with the same data...
// ...
while ( {
        // do something else with the same data...
// ...

A new need comes

A new need comes : see if the DisconnectedResultSet is empty or not in order to avoid sending header.

The usual way is to send them once when iterating like :

boolean is_headers_sent = false;
while ( {
        if (! is_headers_sent) {
                is_headers_sent = true;
        // do something else with the same data...

But since there is a nice rewind()method, just waiting to be used, the code might become :

if ( {
while ( {
        // do something else with the same data...

Now, this code isn't generic anymore to accommodate a connected ResultSet.

So, as John Carmack said :

The cost of adding a feature isn't just the time it takes to code it. The cost also includes the addition of an obstacle to future expansion.

That's really true when you design APIs since their purpose is to last long and to be extended.

So, think twice when you propose an extension "just in case".

The little evolution, revisited...

To solve this case, don't propose a rewind() method, but offer a duplicate() one. It offers the same functionality, just in a new object.

The usage will be almost the same as shown below, but since it feels more performance-sensitive, it won't be used as lightly : the boolean is_headers_sent pattern has now more chances to be used.

while ( {
        // do stuff...
// ...
drs = drs.duplicate();
while ( {
        // do something else with the same data...
// ...
drs = drs.duplicate();
while ( {
        // do something else with the same data...
// ...

It's an other example that immutable objects are the way to go, but for a different reason this time.

Note: Just finished my March 2010 article, even on time... I'm still trying to keep at least a one article per month blogging rate. So far so good for 2010, still 9 months to go !