The main mindset driving development nowadays is web scale and modern stack. Most of the literature is therefore focusing on it, reinforcing the trend, as described in a previous post. Which makes them therefore very desirable, hence attractive to even more literature. And this usually leads to the creation of a hype-laden echo chamber.

Everyone wants to do cool stuff instead of the plain old boring one.

Focus on Boring Stuff

Synchronous, single-threaded & transactional is still the future.

The cool stuff is usually composed of those 3 traits:

  • asynchronous
  • multi-threaded
  • stateless

I will not deny the importance of those 3 traits : those are the very basic amenities of modern, scalable & efficient software.

That said, a house is not build with basic amenities only. Water nor electricity won’t suffice, as they do not actually provide any value just by themselves.

Yet, they are the things that everyone would take for granted. To push the concept even further, no-one should actually have to think about them in a daily workload.

Very similarly, we can say that asynchronous, multi-thread & stateless are traits that no-one should actually have to think about in a daily workload.

Fully leverage the IoC concept

Another famous design anti-pattern is “strong coupling”.

In that perspective we should not commit ourselves to focus too much on how we handle those amenities. They should be delegated to a foundation layer only focused on that technical aspect. This foundation layer in return, should also be completely agnostic to the business logic that is currently being implemented.

Therefore the business logic can (therefore should) be done in a synchronous, single threaded & transactional way. Doing it that way enables us to make many assumptions that totally ease the implementation by several orders of magnitude. It therefore lowers the entry barrier to cooperation in that ecosystem, which is very important for the long term.

Synchronous & single threaded are the way to do software since decades. It is so well documented & known that it often becomes a second nature to any decent programmer.

For the transactional part, one should not really bother with all the details of ACID. Just understanding that either the call fully works, or not at all, is the common thinking, and actually what the ACID properties are about.

Adding the Asynchronous trait to any existing API

An Asynchronous API can be layered on top of every already existing API. This will provide a unified & scalable standard way of interacting with our things.

That asynchronous layer is fully agnostic to the underlying payloads. It will only define the strict minimum that is needed to work in an async manner, and delegate all the business payload to the underlying API, which is still synchronous.

The real bonus is that the ASYNC API is in addition to the SYNC one, and it is up to the caller to use the correct one based on his use case.

Example with a sample API

Suppose we have an API to add something to an anonymous cart which synchronously returns a JSON with the cart state.

$ curl -sk -0 -X POST -d ean=9780201633610
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "id": "f4cdae8a-3a76-4175-b221-015ee8f21706",
  "entries": 4,
  "total": 156.56,
  "currency": "USD"

Now, imagine we could stack an asynchronous API right on top of it. Its URL would have exactly the same semantic, just the webroot would be /async/rest/ instead of simply /rest/. Also its return would be completely different. Not business oriented, but generic & technical.

$ curl -sk -0 -X POST -d ean=9780201633610
< HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
    "asyncId" : "XOIKXBQC",
    "statusCode" : "acknowledged"

Then the caller can poll on the async API to have its status.

$ curl -sk -0 -X GET
< HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
    "asyncId" : "XOIKXBQC",
    "statusCode" : "processing"

When the processing is finished, it does gives the return value.

$ curl -sk -0 -X GET
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "id": "f4cdae8a-3a76-4175-b221-015ee8f21706",
  "entries": 4,
  "total": 156.56,
  "currency": "USD"

They key part is that once the processing is finished, the output of the job will always be available to fetch. Until it is purged after a while. At that time you’ll get a 404 Not Found HTTP status reply.

Once the processing is finished, the output of the job will always be available to fetch, until it is purged, where you’ll get a 404 Not Found HTTP status reply.

The immutable part is very important. We are only on a technical layer, there is no business logic involved. Therefore if the cart does change later, the reply for that particular asyncId will still be the same.

Adding a Callback to avoid polling

Since the async layer is very generic, you can think of reusing it transparently for all the API. Evermore, you can even add a “callback” feature to remove the polling need, for improved efficiency. Simply add a CallBack url in the HTTP request headers:

$ curl -sk -0 -X POST -d ean=9780201633610 -H 'Callback:'
< HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
    "asyncId" : "XOIKXBQC",
    "callbackUrl" : ""
    "statusCode" : "acknowledged"

Then the polling will still work, but the server will also directly POST the result JSON to the callback url upon processing completion.

  "id": "f4cdae8a-3a76-4175-b221-015ee8f21706",
  "entries": 4,
  "total": 156.56,
  "currency": "USD"

This callback pattern shall NOT be used in a internet-facing API, as there’s a serious risk of participating in a DDoS attack. If really needed, It should be extra careful to limit the allowed callback urls.

Adding the stateless trait to any existing API

Context will be build for you.

Statelessness has become the holy grail of many architecture patterns. It is often even perceived as the next best thing since sliced bread since it enables almost magic scaling.

Statelessness comes with a price, there’s no free meal.

Now, to achieve a stateless service, one has basically 2 options :

  • send the whole context during the call
  • callback something to retrieve the state

While both options have their strong and weak points, I’d propose to use the same idiom as for the asynchronous one : delegate statelessness to a dedicated layer, and forget about it.

Then, when coding a business feature, there’s no need to worry about the current state, as it will be here. We just provide a StateService that hides all the complexity to gather the state.

public interface StateService {
    Object get(Object key);
    set(Object key, Object value);
    clear(Object key);

An example in Java

This service is really simple on purpose, and can feed its state from parsing URL query params into ThreadLocalStorage, various call-backs or a full-blown HttpSession.

Strategy Type Initial Latency Runtime latency Transport overhead
Inbound (URL, POST) Eager LOW LOW HIGH
Central Session Eager HIGH LOW LOW

Inbound (URL, POST)

The State is constructed at request time, from the URL parameters.

  • This feels like true statelessness.
  • URL parameters can also be POST Data
  • Every call is quite heavy-weight.

Central Session

The State is eagerly constructed at request time. Note that the DB can be anything, from SQL to Redis.

  • This is very standard version of the session.
  • It is still stateless since the StateService uses an external tool


No State is constructed, everything is lazy-loaded on demand from a distant system via callbacks.

Adding Transations to any existing API

In the very exact same vein, the whole transaction stuff should be delegated. It should be assumed that in the current unit of work (UoW), one is always in a transaction. The only way to abort a transaction is to throw an exception. If returning, it is assumed that everything went OK, and the eventual changes are to be committed.

This enables a very nice behavior: transparent batching.

A well known fact is that batching is much more efficient than unit processing. But then with batching, we loose nice transaction capabilities. Moreover, mixing transactions & batching is usually very painful, as the error handling is usually very business specific.

There are various types of mixing. They are specific on what to commit, and what to rollback inside the batch of things to process:

What should be commit Comment Typical use case
As much as possible This is when batching a list of similar simple objects Massive PriceRows Updates
Nothing This is when batching a complex object Order+OrderEntries+Consignments
Some things This is when batching a list of similar complex objects Multiple Order+OrderEntries+Consignments

By delegating the handling of the transaction to the caller, one can assume nothing about it. And therefore leave the error handling to the caller or to a middle layer that only handles transactions.

The middle layer can then have a very business-centric approach:

  • execute the whole batch in one big transaction, and eventually if there is a failure, execute it in individual transactions. This should not be a issue for performance, as the “normal” case would be to have it working 99.5% of the time and therefore only slicing 0.5% of the batches.
  • execute directly the whole batch in several bite-sized transactions (think 100 transactions of 1000 PriceRows Updates). Retry can be done if needed.
  • execute the whole batch in a multithread manner, but still having several bite-sized transactions This would be done via having the business case selecting the right middle layer and leveraging that.

An example of HTTP call would be in the same cart API:

POST -d ean=9780201633610
        "ean" : "9780131101630"
        "ean" : "9780131103627"
        "ean" : "9780131103627"
        "ean" : "9780131103627"
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "id": "f4cdae8a-3a76-4175-b221-015ee8f21706",
  "entries": 5,
  "total": 356.56,
  "currency": "USD"