In the munin architecture, the munin-master has to connect to the munin-node via a very simple protocol and plain TCP.

This has several advantages :

  1. Very simple to manage & install
  2. Optional SSL since 1.4 enabling secure communications
  3. Quite simple firewall rules.

It has also some disadvantages :

  1. A new listening service means a wider exposure
  2. The SSL option might add some administrative overhead (certificates management, ...)
  3. A native protocol isn't always covered by all firewall solutions
  4. Some organisations only authorize a few protocols to simplify audits (ex: only SSH & HTTPS)

Native SSH

Theses down points may be solved by encapsulation over SSH, but it can be a tedious task to maintain if the number of hosts increases.

Therefore 2.0 introduces the concept of a native SSH transport. Its usage is dead simple : replace the address with an ssh:// URL-like one.

The node still has to be modified to communicate with stdin/stdout instead of a network socket. For now, only pmmn and munin-async are able to provide such a node.


The URL is quite self-explanatory as shown in the example below :


    address ssh:// --params

Installation notes

Authentication should be done without password but via SSH keys. The connection is from munin-user@host-munin to munin-node-user@remote-node.

If you use munin-async, the user on the remote node might only be a readonly one, since it only needs to read spooled data. This implies that you use --spoolfetch and not --vectorfetch that updates the spool repository.

Upcoming HTTP(S) transport in 3.0

And the sweetest part is that since all the work has been done for adding another transport, adding a CGI-based HTTP transport one is possible (and therefore done) for 3.0.